Need 15 persons tested at a Sacramento California non-profit entity

Need 15 persons tested at a Sacramento California non-profit entity

Grenada (Caribbean) exam needed

Grenada (Caribbean) exam needed

Alleged sexual touching of a child

Polygraph AKA Seismograph

A television production company in Los Angeles would like to rent an examiner and an analog instrument for a few hours. They want to film an analog in operation, that footage to be used as a seismograph (earthquake recorder).

State of Missouri seeking PCSOT & PPG polygraph exams in Fulton and Farmington

(from PEOA's members-only all-day polygraph referral internet listserve)

State of Missouri seeking PCSOT & PPG polygraph exams in Fulton and Farmington

Description: The contractor shall provide polygraph examinations, PPG (penile plethysmograph) testing, and sexual history interviewing for the Department of Mental Health, Southeast Missouri Mental Health Center and/or the Fulton State Hospital

(complete details, and bid-preparation assistance, were sent directly to PEOA members one week earlier for this matter)

Inyo County, California, polygraph services

Inyo County, California, polygraph services:

Are you an examiner that covers this area?

PEOA has increased its marketing coverage for this area, and can refer requests to competent examiners.

Central Kansas examiner seeks to purchase a used Lafayette LX-4000 instrument

Central Kansas examiner seeks to purchase a used Lafayette LX-4000 instrument

Forsyth County (Cumming) Georgia seeking bids on polygraph services

Forsyth County (Cumming) Georgia seeking bids on polygraph services

(complete details, and bid-preparation assistance, were sent directly to PEOA members one week earlier for this matter)

Who took the money while the others were fixing broken dogs & cats?

(from PEOA's members-only all-day polygraph referral internet listserve)

Chicago Illinois animal hospital needs 15 employees polygraphed.

What you DON'T see posted here:

What you DON'T see posted here:

Every day, 15 to 30 polygraph examination requests are posted directly to PEOA members nationwide via the members-only listserve. Most are relationship polygraph requests (husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, thinking the other might be cheating), attorney requests, and employer requests.

Nothing exciting, just typical requests, but if they were all posted here it would make this blog too lengthy to navigate!

Click to visit Polygraph Examiners Of America

Sacramento California polygraph exams needed for a Washington teen on probation who is moving to CA

(from PEOA's members-only all-day polygraph referral internet listserve)
Sacramento California polygraph exams needed for a Washington teen on probation who is moving to CA

Delano California: incarcerated testing needed at Kern Valley State Prison for Public Defender's Office

(from PEOA's members-only all-day polygraph referral internet listserve)

Delano California: incarcerated testing needed at Kern Valley State Prison for Public Defender's Office

Law firm needs an immigration polygraph examination in Greensboro North Carolina

(from PEOA's members-only all-day polygraph referral internet listserve)

Law firm needs an immigration polygraph examination in Greensboro North Carolina

Public Defender's Office needs an in-custody examination in Cordell Georgia

(from PEOA's members-only all-day polygraph referral internet listserve)

Public Defender's Office needs an in-custody examination in Cordell Georgia

Need a discount on interview seminars or products?

Need a discount on interview seminars or products?

Polygraph Examiners Of America is a long-time member of the Reid Preferred Group of Associations. RPGA is a program offered to professional associations in which their members receive special discounts on seminar registration fees and training materials.

Every year, thousands of individuals from business, law enforcement, and government organizations utilize Reid's training programs, and products to help them develop interviewing & interrogation skills.

Contact PEOA to receive the code number required for member discounts.

Television game show filming in Buena Park (Orange County) California seeking examiner for 4 days

(from PEOA's members-only all-day polygraph referral internet listserve)

Television game show filming in Buena Park (Orange County) California seeking examiner for 4 days

Two new PEOA members from outside of the United States

One from Mexico City, Mexico

One from Montreal, Canada


Used Limestone instrument needed

Used Limestone instrument needed

Coldwater Michigan: incarcerated testing needed

(from PEOA's members-only all-day polygraph referral internet listserve)

Coldwater Michigan: incarcerated testing needed

Daughter of man recently incarcerated for a sexual abuse matter seeks polygraph services.